

Yesterday was strange, very strange. Seems that I`ve never attracted so many trouble around me before.
In the morking I was almost crashed by a truck. I tried to cross the street in the wrong time and place. Truck passed just e few centimetres away from me. I runned on a pavement and couldn`t moove, I was shaking like I don`t know what. Brr. so close...
In the afernoon I arrived home and felt quite bad. Checked my temprature and it was 37.3. Not so bad.
After an hour it was 37.8, then 37.9 and then it was 38.3 already. My body temprature rised by 10 degrees in 3 hours. How cool is that? And I was sooo HOT - all my body was red, like I would have spent 6 hours in the sun and burned myself there.
That`s why Gamze insisted that I should go to the hospital. After around 40 minutes I was there already. Doctor checked my body, but didn`t found almost any problems. Nurse checked my temprature and told to doctor, thart I was 36.6, but actually I was 38.1 - I saw the termometre. And when I arrived home, I still had the same 38.1.
Ok, but whatever. Today I`m at home and seems that also tomorrow I`ll stay here. Now I have cough, temprature, a little sore throat and I`m totally without energy and strenght. And I`m hungry, but I`m not able to cook anything :D seems that I`ll have a diet for a few days :D

Dress up warm, don`t ride bicycle in the rain without jacket!
And send me Ādažu tomato crisps - I want them now.

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