The whole world has changed too quickly.
It is hard to believe, because right now I have everything, I was ever dreaming about. I have totally loosed any connection with reality, I am totally sure that this must be dream, because in real life it never happens like this.
You know, there is a saying - "it can not be worse". People use it, when world is crashing and just bad things are happening. And when they say it - something even more worse happens.
For me it is vice-versa. When I think that it can not be any better, that this is the maximum of happiness, something even more awesome and exciting comes in to my life. How can it be?
And I don`t have this feeling for a week or couple of days. It`s lasting pretty long already. I am excited :D
All I can say is that this is not EVS anymore. This is LIFE.
I don`t consider myself as a volunteer anymore. I don`t feel that I am in a frame of some kind of project. I am just living my reality here.
Reality which is much better of every dream I have ever had.
Some time ago I just stopped for a while - to think. And I realised that my life is perfect. I am in a country I love, surronded by amazing people, I am doing a job, which I was always dreaming about, I am in love, someone is in love with me, I am independent, free...
I could continue forever.
And i didn`t do anything special to get in a point, where I am now. I was just laughing and smiling. It works. Just take everything easy. Finally I learned it. ^^ AWESOME
Last weekend I had the greatest holidays in my life.
I don`t really remember the last april of my life, but I will definetly remember this one. Who could ever imagine, that the scene from movies - sleeping under the palm in a sleeping net with a coctail in your hands - could become true. :D
But this is excatly what happened last weekend. I was in Fethiye - my paradise next to the Mediterian sea. A friend of mine hosted me there in his supercute family and house. And this is where turkish hospitality just hit the record. I have never felt so welcomed and loved in my life I guess (except the times, when my mother comes around :D). All the relatives, even neighbours were huging me, kissing be, brushing my cheeks and calling me their doughter.
But this is excatly what happened last weekend. I was in Fethiye - my paradise next to the Mediterian sea. A friend of mine hosted me there in his supercute family and house. And this is where turkish hospitality just hit the record. I have never felt so welcomed and loved in my life I guess (except the times, when my mother comes around :D). All the relatives, even neighbours were huging me, kissing be, brushing my cheeks and calling me their doughter.
Now I feel so so so spoiled because of this and I don`t understand anymore, why it`s not the same here in Balikesir. Altough I have some people over here too, who are doing the same, when they see me :D
So, yeah, it was a place next to Mediterian sea, which is incredibly beautiful. The nature just took my heart and breath forever.
And the reason, why I went there - it was turkish wedding. Not that traditional this time, but still it was sooo cute and nice. Now I also want to get married :D:D
And in 2 weeks I am flying to Gaziantep. I have never been more East here, than Ankara, but I believe that it`s gonna be awesome as well. There will be some YOUTH FESTIVAL, where the volunteers from all over the world will gather. Everything is paid by N/A again, so I am excited to see, what kind of paradise we will have this time :D
Uhhh, also the new girl from Equador arrived some 3 days ago. Now I have a person behind my tinny wall again, but I really don`t mind, because she is niiice ^^ She has studied Antropology and worked with indians, so I will have many new things to discover, while talking with her.
I also received my first recomendation letter form Gamze, so I should wait the one from Liva and I can start to apply for some jobs here. At least to try, cause for now I am really serious - I don`t want to go home yet. For me now it seems like a step back, cause I`ve used to live in international society, challenge myself every day, discover the world alone. I don`t want the old life back. Cause it is not me anymore. Now there is just sunshine ^^
Uff, I almost forgot - I am also famous now :D Actually all the foreigners of Balikesir. Last friday we had such a big presentation and all types of media were here. So after that I received many letters - ohh, Guna. What are u doing in TV/ Newspapper? :D:D
Kind`a cool, huh :D Funny.
But I think that`s it for now. See u soon, cause finally fucking goverment un-blocked blogspot again^^
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