Since the last logical post I`ve been somwhere and done smth: Buyrun!
Gaziantep is one of the biggest cities in Turkey and it is located in East. I was expecting some really historical and conservative atmosphere over there, but my imagination failed. Antep is a really big, nice and modern city, which brings together people from all over the Turkey. It is really near to the border of Siria, so most of the tourists, which are heading to Siria must cross Antep. And it is good, cause you are not allowed to leave Turkey without trying Baklava and nuts over there. I guarantee - they are the best on the world.
But, what I was doingthere? 3rd GAPGENC youth festival took place in Gaziantep and I was invited to take part in it. I really tought that we will work seriously, but what I found there was another 5star hotel, regular service busses to the city centre, free entrance in festival, lot of fun and fun and fun :D Hard to explain, better check pictures:
 | - just love it |
Festival parade - around 1500 turkish/spanish/italian/latvian/ecuadorian/azerish... and any other possible nationality together on one street at the same time in Antep |
TRIANAS PARKS from Latvia. In Antep. World is so small :) |
Pool in our 5star hotel. I love turkish national agency :D |
The best part about this trip was visiting RUMKALE - part of river TIGRIS - old Babilonia/ Mezopotamia/ Double river/ Beginning of civilization. Amazing. Never tought I`ll go there one day. Now history makes a sense.
Just a nice weekend with a part of my Gesoged family, Hakan and Ozgurcan :) We went to the middle of nowhere, reached a beautiful waterfall, cooked some barbecue, got lazy and slept on stones, drunk a bit of raki. Sadece Chill out :)
As Eliza decided to visit me in Balikesir (finally), we had to find some action, cause otherwise, she would think that my city is worse than Istanbul (which is pretty much true :D). So we arranged a family hitch-hiking tour to Izmir. We splited in teams - me, Eliza and Zohair in one and Boris with Estefy in another. We had to meet in Izmir, Konak around 19:00 :) The idea of going there was to participate in SUNNET. Sunnet is a celebration, when they cut penis of small muslim boys. You can`t imagine what kind of celebration they make for this - it is almost as glamurous as wedding or birthday of Paris Hilton. They sing, dance, dress smart, invite hundreds of people, spend countles money for food and so on. And all this just because of some penis, which now is cut :D At the end I didn`t attend, cause I just wanted to spend night in Izmir with my canim, but I heard the stories of others.
Couchsurfing in Alsancak |
Veeery creepy Erasmus pub in Izmir. |
First try. |
It is always worth to return in Izmir. Cok guzel, yaa. |
Benim canim. |
Kind`a belly dances. |
Good morning, SUNSHINE! |
Kind`a salsa. |
Kind`a funny. |
BACK TO AYVALIK. RAKI. BALIK. AYVALIK. Somehow, by accident, we got offered to join a trip to Ayvalik. I have been there once, but it was just for couple of hours - I didn`t see anything. So, I agreed to go and probably it is one of my best decisions that week :D Ayvalik is so damn beautiful - I guess, kind of place, where I would love to spend part of my life. Amazing and beautiful, calm and also full of life and spirit at the same time.
I guess it is enough for one time. :)
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