
KONY 2012

I know that there is a lot of violence in the world, starting from small daily crimes, which are done by ourselves and ending up with a world-wide criminals like Kony is.
It`s impossible to stay indifferent, when all the media world is over-loaded by videos, posts, articles and posters of KONY. The directors of this movie has reached their aim - now we DO KNOW, who KONY is. 
Altough I knew nothing about this topic before, it was not supprising for me to find out that there is such a thing going on in Africa. 
But this time I don`t want to put stress on this evil man and his crimes. What I saw in the movie was a huge POWER. Power of people, when they are UNITED and fighting for the same aim. I think most of people even wouldn`t try, if they knew, that reaching an aim could take 8 years. 
But "Invisible Children" did. And I really don`t care, if 100% of money or only 30%... or maybe 2% is going to Africa. What impressed me was only the strenght of unity and idea of a man.
And thanks God, we still have such a people on this planet, which are full of belief to fight for something. 
I have some friends, which has been in Africa and some, which are about to go there. And I know the stories of volunteers, which has lived there. Most of them live with a hope, that they could find a way to return and help. For many years we used to live in such a distanced world - trying not to care about each other. But now it is time to change it - even if we can not take away all the bad guys, even if we can not recover the lifes we`ve lost, but we can show that we DO CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. 

Really - it is not important, if you are comming from a trouble area in Africa or you are an immigrant from Morroco... or just a sad French guy or American, who has lost the way - we are here, on this planet to help each other, to respect, care, support and try to make the world a better place.
I know - those words are big, waaayy too biig, but they are true - if you have ever heared - "thanks man, you really helped me, thanks to you, now I believe in myself, or thanks to you I`m not scared.. or whatever" - you`ve made a world a better place already. 
But back to the movie - I`ve always said, that I hate to live in a box, to have some borders. I DON`T WANT TO BE A PART OF SYSTEM. And I`m not the only one. This movie showed me, that it is really possible to change something, if people come together and fight for the same, instead of leaving angry comments under the articles in The Internet or discussing them with their friends or family.

Our voices can be LOUD. They can be HEARED. 

An example form my personal life:
A family, where I live now is really stingy and thrifty. They`ll never throw out a peace of food. And why? To learn the tolerance towards people in Africa. This is making me laugh. Cause at the same time - they would NEVER donate a thing for people over there, they even refused to watch this movie or to hear something about it. They just said - we can not change anything anyway.
I really hate it - "don`t do this, don`t do that - think about people of Africa!!"'You know guys - better stop THINKING that much and DO something.... and not only for people in Africa - we need each other all over The World (every day).

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