Tonight I was having a great time at work. I truly enjoy bar-tending although it takes some guts and after few hours of giving away your positive energy and smiles to people you will probably never meet again, one can feel quite drained and exhausted.
And there I was - after running non-stop for couple of hours, I finally got to go out for a cigarette and rest my feet. As I lit up my cigarette, a group of locals approached me. - "Heii, we know You! You`re the bartender, you`re great, we`re having such a nice time!" - they said. I felt really happy to hear they were enjoying themselves and we kept on chatting for couple of minutes until a Danish guy asked, where I was coming from. - "Latvia" - I answered. He looked me into the eyes and pointed at me with his finger and then said: "Oh, so are you poor?". He giggled thinking he`s made the most clever and hilarious conclusion on planet Earth.
Am I poor? Of all the billion questions he could ask about my country of origin, was this the most relevant? I was not sure how to react as at that particular moment as I was there just resting my legs, not begging for food or money. I was finely dressed and obviously did not appear as a person in need. And even though it was the case, is that a question a human being would ever ask another human being while there are plenty of other exciting things to talk about..?
This conversation tonight just summed up all the integration related discomfort I have felt since the day I arrived in Copenhagen. I am shocked. Denmark is one of the most developed countries in the world and yet - ignorance and rudeness is seen on every single corner. Many of them excuse it as their dark sense of humor. I am a big fan of sarcasm and I`d like to believe I know the line where humor turns into a complete and utter disregard.
Judging people by their place of birth is nothing but pigheaded behavior and only ones that have never truly traveled and opened their minds can do so. Country of origin does not make one a better person, it is not something one has earned.
Money does not make one rich, it is experiences, open mind and kindness that adds value to a person.
So, this is for you, mister Dane - Yes, I am from Latvia and no, I am not poor, The only poor thing in our short conversation was your stupid stereotype and I hope life will bless you with mind-cracking experiences, because the world surely does not need another closed-minded asshole that feels satisfaction from hurting feelings of others.
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