

Mana istaba un Attaturks

I`m wondering about myself.
There is no first day crysis, 3rd day crysis, economical crysis or being homesick crysis at all. 
I like this place. I really, really love it.
Today we went to catch culture shock to the bazar of Balikesir. This is the biggest FAKE paradise just right behind China. Salesmans are standing on the tables, under the tables on the ground and some of them are even haning in the air, I guess.
The one with the loudest voice WINS. Everyone is screaming, wawing their hands and doing everything, I mean - EVERYTHING to catch some attention.
For me, as a European, it was very strange and I`m not excited about this at all. I prefere to do shopping alone and into the silence. But anyway - bazar is a nice place to buy pretty cheap meat, cheese and vegetables. So we bought some 10 00000 kg of different vegetables for the rest of the week and we was planning to cook together tonight, but a few minutes ago guys from Gesoged invited us to participate in barbecue night. I feel very tired and lazy right now, but I think that we should go, cause it`s great opportunity to eat for free and save money. And it`s not my idea.
And actually I like guys I`m living with. At the very beggining I tought that it will be impossible to find a commong language with them, but actually they are great :)  In October Ray will moove to another flat and Mert will do the same, so we are expecting some other short-term volunteers to moove in here. 
Tomorrow we are planning to make a BIG CLEANING here, cause seems that nobody haven`t done it since NEVER. Boriss don`t allow me to buy all the cleaning stuff. He is sure, that it`s possible to wash everything, I mean - EVERYTHING with fairy and water :D I don`t belive him. Is there anybody with experience? :)
Oh yes, and today I was learning to count in turkish - bir, iki, uč, dort, beš. [ok Boriss helped me :D]

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